
Minimise FMCG Losses

Protecting people and property

Processing large amounts of cash is always a risky business, so it makes sense to be protected.

  • Cash centre to bank or building society; Smoke Screen protects every phase.
  • Prevent losses from raids on cash processing centres or CIT vehicles.
  • Over 40 years of cash protection.

Cash, every thief’s favourite. Easily disposed of and often untraceable. South African criminals are no afraid to use increasing violent methods to access and steal. So you too need to go the extra mile to protect property and people.

Raiders can’t overcome the simplicity of the Smoke Screen deterrent. Once you take away their ability to see they run out of options. They are forced to run away before the police arrive.

Cash centres, banking halls, ATM bunkers, CIT vehicles and the staff, we protect them all.

Concepts award-winning Smoke Screen is in daily operation protecting personnel and cash in every process in the cash handling process. Stopping loss, preventing injury.

Fixed installation or portable solutions; cash or people, we protect the lot. When robbers strike Smoke Screen deters, prevents and protects.

Get protected today! Call us on +27 (86) 111 2816 and arrange for a free consultation.

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